

Doghair Desktop
Practicing some mindfulness with exposure therapy in 16:9




New Double Gatefold Poster, 2017
in that solid Hobo



Pocket-washed, Paper Stones


2016, Abridged
Book Releases and Vague Personal Recalls

Jan. NYE movie sets mood. Rolex smash n grab. Yellow slacks, gray cat. Brand new adult-sized bed. Big Sur U.F.O. Bonsai balls tree trim I.

Feb. Self-portrait. Disneyland dawgs. Saturday urban hike, Sunday suburban BBQ. Shared clothing. Lundeberg book releases.

Mar. Dogtooth I, porcelain. Chun-li/C-biscuits. That Glendale secret room. Plastered skull w/ wiggles. My follow-thru.

Apr. Dogtooth II. Copper. Attached headstone headshot. Created and deleted homunculus. Jungle vines. Yung 1/40. S.A.C. hiccup.

May Saw Roman Mars voice. Obstructed front row. Phone got fried, card to fry. ORD: Louboutin Art, Quimby's, rivers. Rattlesnake Alley. Dry ~.

June. JPL I. Bernie bike ride. Stanley Oysters I. Baja yoga. FALA tacos. Monkey's auntie. Krasnow book releases. Getty hike, cave I. G'ma 93.

July KBBQBD I, B-day Twitch. Cyr. Charcuterie. Sequoia slack-lining, caves II, KBBQ II. 40/40. That red sun and sublingual Snitch. JPL II overalls. 4th Wall II. 

Aug. Sunken City. XSmangoñada. Ceramic fetish demo. Tree trim II. OMA: cheesy Charley, domes, Sunken Gardens. Pokémon GO looting. Rick Ross. F?B? (Self-weaning)

Sept. 媽媽的咸雞蛋. Ghosted. Raged. The Essential Guide~~~to~~~All That is Essential, the book. Kiln-fired Cuboro. Bowie's Basquiats. Indo fashion salads. 4/6.

Oct. 2/6. Mark-making. SploOysters II. New Y membership. Hi-way Couture. 

Nov. S.A.C. VI. Think some more. Still swimming. Disaster Resources Guide. 

Dec. Reached 301 tension equilibrium 🙏. Log-in logs. Frasier. Strangers. Dumpsters.

Always struggling with autonomy, mastery, and purpose.



Fossil Falls, Olancha, CA
Self-emitting glow (coordinates, whatever) for the Visitors


Just a fun haiku for a dark trilogy:


Sahmaoooth mirrored surface
@ 0° 



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Fortune Fork Gig Poster
All channels for this fortune-telling neon sign in one omniscient color.
F3 favors bystander.



One of Two Wooden Airship Hangars, Tustin, CA
When I would get lost on the way back from Irvine,
I would instinctively look for these real spooky hangers and drive towards them.
They're quite fantastic at street view.


Petri-like pics taken on the way back to SNA.




Keep Real, Stay Very
I both love and hate this at the same time.




June Gloom in Garfield Font
Consolation graphic because I wasn't able to
collect enough beetles to spell out June Doom. 




House Shrine
Fruit offerings: several hands of thai bananas,
tangelos, w/ mandarin, tangerine, and navel oranges.


Salt Shrine



S.A.C. VI-1







Post No Bills Bills
These are bills to post where no bills are suppose to post.



Orange You Glad I'm Terrible Cookies
Cacao covered cacao, sunseeds, and pebbles on licorice-sprigged orange cookies (burnt).